contextual design / 2021
L210 H60 W 210
lecturer Mantas Lesauskas
„the most entertaining surface on earth is the human face“
– 18th century philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg.
The objects of design seek to give meaning to the conclusion of the research - that we are a society of faces. However my own face has become the main axis of the creative process. The face was deliberately duplicated, scaled, reduced, or the readability of the image has been emphasized. These objects do not seek to change the role of the face.
Elements inherited from the environment presuppose certain implied functions of the objects.
The tiles give meaning to the already discussed motif of the walls, but here they become a mosaic. By combining different elements, the legibility of the face in the shapes can be highlighted or removed. The chosen material is a fungus, a naturally decomposing material, if the amount of moisture in the room is higher, it can decompose in a couple of years. The nondurabilty considered in other contexts as a disadvantage becomes particularly important here. This justifies the idea that the face changes and deforms when exposed to the environment.
Design objects give meaning to my personal relationship with the society of faces.
„the most entertaining surface on earth is the human face“
– XVIII a. filosofas Georg’as Christoph’as Lichtenberg’as.
Dizaino objektai siekia įprasminti tiriamojo darbo išvadą, jog esame veidų visuomenė, tačiau pagrindine kūrybos ašimi tapo mano pačios veidas. Veidas sąmoningai buvo dublikuojamas, keičiamas jo mastelis, naikinamas arba pabrėžiamas atvaizdo skaitomumas. Šie objektai nesiekia pakeisti veido vaidmens.
Iš aplinkos perimti elementai suponuoja tam tikras numanomas objektų funkcijas.
Plytelės, įprasmina jau aptartą sienų motyvą, tačiau čia jos tampa tarsi mozaika. Skirtingus elementus jungiant galima išryškinti arba panaikinti veido įskaitomumą formose. Pasirinkta medžiaga - grybiena, natūraliai suyranti medžiaga, jei drėgmės keikis patalpoje didesnis gali suirti per porą metų. Tačiau kitur vertinama kaip trumpalaikiškumas čia tampa ypač svarbus. Tai pagrindžia mintį jog veidas veikiamas aplinkos keičiasi, deformuojasi.
Photo by Monika Jagusinskytė
Thank you for guiding me through my masters degree Mantas Lesauskas